Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday --- Week 5!

It'ssssssssssss Wednesday! And you know what that means...time to weigh-in. 

I know you've all been sitting on the edge of your collective seats waiting for this moment.

This week was filled with new challenges, tactics, and victories. 

Week 4 Weight -- 285.0
Today's weight -- 2-8-3.2 !

So that's another 1.8 pound loss. Almost two more pounds this week. 

Total Weight Loss to date = 10.8 pounds

Below is a picture of Pat, Me, Jaimie , and Dad in Bruges when we were visiting Belgium in July. 

This is me today at end of Week 5. Can you see a difference? 

I actually saw an even lower total a couple of days ago at 282.8. I know things flex up and down though. Part of what I've been reading has been telling me that as you start increasing the intensity of your workout, then you actually add on muscle which weighs a bit more than fat. So this can result in a slow down or brief up-tick in weight, but it makes your body burn fat and calories much more quickly. 

I've had lots of really great encouraging moments this week as well. Thanks to all the friends and family for your support and constant vigilance lol. I love the accountability. 

The cardio class is still kicking my butt, and I'm able to do more each and every time. I am really loving working out in a Tae Kwon Do studio again. What I really like about the class is that there is room to push yourself further and further every time.

In Food News:
I had a great salad at Mo'Ziki tonight on the way to church. It's on Starkey and Bryan Dairy in Largo. Check it out it's pretty good. Also shout out to Fiber One Snack Bars . Really, really good. And filling. There are a few things I crave from time to time like Delco's Cheese-steaks and the Wendy's Double Stack for lunch lol. Honestly though, this is totally worth it, and I'm committed to seeing this through. 

In other random news. I am so ready for WVU Football Season! Let's Go..........

Continuing on the sports theme, Here's a really great quote from legendary basketball coach John Wooden

“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” 

1 comment:

  1. Definite difference!! Anything worth having is worth fighting for!! Continue your fight for better health and a longer life, I Love You.
