Wednesday, August 17, 2011

END OF MONTH #1 --- Weigh-In Report

Welcome to weigh-in Wednesday Week FOUR. I have officially completed one full month of this lifestyle change and I feel great! Thanks again to everyone for the growing support I've been receiving.

The Weigh-In Today.... IS .... 2-8-5.0 !!! That's 285. That is a 3.4 pound loss this week. 

End of Month 1  Total Weight Loss = 9 Pounds

I am especially happy because I was able to meet my goal loss of 9-10 pounds here in this first month. 

Many of my shirts are starting to fit much, much better. And I'm finding it easier everyday to avoid random cravings and big time cheating traps. 

I've been telling people how much I've enjoyed this so far, and it's true. It's been challenging but also fun and rewarding so far.  I have had ups and downs, but that's life. The important thing is that I haven't given up and I'm still going strong. 

I had a great call from my Grandpa Bowen aka Popsy this week with lots of encouragement. We always crack each other up, and it feels so great to know that you have the support of all the people you love the most. 

I have had people tell me that it's all uphill from here, and I've also had people tell me that once you make it past the first month, then it just gets easier to stay consistent from there. I think both are valid, and I know it's going to require consistency and preparation from here on out.  As Popsy likes to say, "Anywhere, as long as it's forward."

Anyways, I'll have more later this week, but I wanted to give my weekly weigh-in update. It's been a great week and I'm so excited about what this next 4 weeks will hold. 

Keep up the support, encouragement , and accountability everyone. It is much needed and appreciated.


I like this quote alot. I think it captures what this first month has been all about. 

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” ~Mike Murdock


  1. Beyond proud of u, keep it up, you look so much better. Love u bushels. MOM

  2. You go, Phil! I love reading your updates. Know that I am cheering you on! :)
