Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday Week 15!!!

15 Weeks Completed 
105 Days Down 

Starting Weight -- 294

Week 14 Weight -- 265.8

Today's weight -- 2-6-5! So that's another 0.8 pounds down!

Total Weight Loss to date = 29 pounds !!!

Not my best week so far, but still productive! My fantastic family was here for a visit, and Jaimie and I got to go enjoy the Hilton Grand Vacations Resort and Disney. 

For the before and after pics for Week 15, I've chosen a couple of pics from our Europe trip in June. These pics are from Amsterdam. You'll notice that I'm wearing the exact same clothes in both sets of pictures. Can you see the difference? 

Before Pic #1 - Amsterdam 
Before Pic #2 - Amsterdam 

Week 15 - From the Front 
And of course... From the Side 

And that's that. 

Progress was actually slower this week, and it looks like I came up just ONE POUND short of my 30 pounds lost by the end of October goal. You know what though, I'll take it. 29 pounds is more weight than I have ever lost in my life, and it really feels great. I think there were a few factors that played in to the slower paced loss. I had more special meals with family at restaurants, and definitely didn't watch things quite as strictly. To me, that's OK. I still had a loss, and after over 100 days it feels good to see some real progress. 

Now it's time to get back to it and have a 2-3 pound loss next week. I'd like to drop another 15 pounds by the New Year. Do-able?? I think so. 

As far as the Disney trip goes, I'll put some more pics up and give that it's own post sometime this weekend. Here are a few pics from the trip! 

More to come later! Thanks for all the support!!!

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” ~Vincent Van Gogh

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