Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday...Week 9!

9 Weeks Completed 
63 Days Down 

Week 8 Weight -- 275.8

Today's weight -- 2-7-4! So that's another 1.8  pounds down this week.

Total Weight Loss to date = 20 pounds !!!

THE BIG 2-O. First major mile marker complete. 

Before ... 

After 9 Weeks ... 

From the side ... 

Today I wore a shirt to work that I haven't worn in about 3 years. I really love this shirt. 

I think one of the last times I wore it was when I finished working on this song back in 2007 ... 

Pretty cool right. 

Anyways, it's been another successful week. 

I'm still facing many of the same challenges, but I have been finding it easier to say no to certain things.

Also, I did have maybe a little more food than a usual meal at our cookout with friends Saturday night, but I planned ahead for it and made it up for it he next day. Planning and being prepared is absolutely key to everything everyday with this lifestyle change. 

GOOD SNACK FOODS: I've had a ton of people ask me what I use for snacks. So here are some really good options that I've been eating alot of lately. 

1) Genisoy Barbecue Soy Crisps - Kind of like chips, and good enough to fix the craving
2) SpecialK Protein Snack Bars - Many protein bars out there are good for protein , but outrageously bad for calories. This is a great one. Only 110 calories and 4 grams of protein. I have one almost every day with my lunch shake
3) Slim-Fast Protein Shakes - I have one for breakfast almost every day. Quick. Easy. Fills you up. Only 190 calories and tons of protein
4) Quaker Oats Quakes - I always have a few bags of different flavors. They rock. Fill you up. Lots of fiber and whole wheat. Great Snack.
5) Kellog's Fiber Plus Bars - Always as one of my snacks during the day in between meals. Good fiber.

If you notice, I try to keep lots of fiber and protein in my diet. I don't go overkill on protein, but I make sure I have good healthy protein every day and in every meal.

As always I have to say a special thanks to all of you supporters out there. I've had alot of people give me encouraging words and compliments etc this week. I know some of you have started taking this journey with you. Love it. Keep going, and don't quit. 

I can't wait to see the 60's on the scale and I should be on track for that by a couple weeks from now. 

For now, I'm just to keep on staying with it, and  hopefully can keep seeing success. 

Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted. - Denis Waitley