Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing...


That’s 6 away from 300. Yikes.

That is a high number.  Really high. Wow, that’s way way way too much, high.

That’s what I saw when I weighed myself at Publix last week on 7/19/11. The day before I started this blog and this lifestyle change. The day I determined once and for all to do something.

I really don’t think I look the part of 2-9-4, or maybe I do? It’s out there now. You know it and I know it lol. Either way it’s changing and that’s the last time I will ever see that number. 2-9-4. Whew.

So as you saw on the last post I was planning to buy a scale yesterday,  and I did. And I used it.
I literally closed my eyes when I used it and was nervous about whether any progress was made.
God is so good.

After a week of effort.... I saw..... 290.2 :-)  I checked and triple checked. And I know it doesn’t seem like much when I have so far to go. But, 4 pounds really feels like a big deal.  And it’s a start right! 290.2 

Had a nice workout tonight and am just trying to establish a good routine and be as active as possible.
Here are some great message clips from friends and followers. THANK YOU for your encouragement! These are just a few of many and it really is a HUGE help so thanks!

“You'll succeed if you want, you just have to remain strong. One piece of chocolate at work is in fact a big deal when you're trying to accomplish something so don't let any one get you off track.”

“I will be supporting Phil and i just want to say that i think the Lord used his post to support me. “

“Phil, if anyone I know can do it, you can do it. I think this is really cool. Once you get past week 3-4 it will get much, much easier.”

“You have a few more pounds to lose than I did, I understand, but it is a very attainable goal to achieve, and you will be so happy when you start looking in a mirror and seeing a new, smaller, more fit you! Let me know if I can help in any way. “

“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.” ~Norman Vincent Peale


  1. This is very cool. A little more than a year before you guys knew me I was about 50 lbs heavier than I am now. It took a few months to lose it, but it was the best. Maybe it changes from person to person, but the middle of the road is the easiest.. so just hang in there! Good luck!

  2. Glad to see this man! I remember when I saw my scale near 240. For someone who spent most of my teen and adult life at 155, I was appalled. Remember, it's not about a diet, it's not about weight loss, it's about a lifestyle change. The weight will come off on it's own so long as you're treating your body right again. After taking off about 50lbs, I feel awesome again. Proud of you! Live strong dude.

  3. Thanks so much both of you! I love hearing stories like that!
