Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday...Week 13!

13 Weeks Completed 
91 Days Down 

Starting Weight -- 294

Week 11 Weight -- 269

Today's weight -- 2-6-7.5! So that's another 1.5 pounds down!

Total Weight Loss to date = 26.5 pounds !!!

Back on the losing team! After my first 0 pound loss last week, I'm back on track with another 1.5 lb loss this week. I was hoping to make it down to 27 pounds. However, as I've learned, it's not always about the number on the scale. 

This week's set of before and after pics feature the same shirt. These before pictures were taken on our Honeymoon in June/July of 2010. 



And From the Side ... 

This week I noticed the biggest difference not in how I look necessarily, but in how I feel when working out. As you all know I really kind of hate running ... but I'm starting to like it more. I can go farther and faster then I can remember since high school. I've been doing it more and more during the week. I still don't love doing it, but let's face probably burns the most calories and gets you in the best shape in the quickest amount of time.  Working out is continually a challenge in pushing myself further each time. Regular exercise is a huge stress reliever and just makes me feel better all around. 

My family is coming down next weekend and my goal has been to be at a 30 pound loss by the time they get here. I'm going to be pretty close :-) 

Not much more to write tonight, but I'll have more updates later this week. 

Thanks to all for your continued love, prayers , and support. Here's to seeing less and less of me. 

“Willpower can produce short-term change, but it creates constant internal stress because you haven’t dealt with the root cause.” ~Rick Warren


  1. dude huge difference in that

  2. My water aerobics teacher told me if you eat something healthy after you workout you will keep your metabolism burning longer.
