Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Weigh-In Wednesday Week 25!!!

Go away sickness!!! 

25 Weeks Completed 
175 Days Down 

Starting Weight -- 294

Week 24 Weight -- 254

Today's weight -- 254 no change :-(

Total Weight Loss to date = 40 pounds

Before Pic - 


And from the side 

I've actually seen as low as 42 pounds down this week. Some of this may be due to this cold/flu/sinus infection / whatever else it is lol. I've been sick since last week and I just can't shake it. I haven't been able to work out a ton because of the chest congestion. I tried one day and did a 5k, but the next day I was the most sick yet. Anyways, tonight I wanted to get back out there so I took it slower. I did 15 minutes on the bike, and then went for a run for a little over a mile. 

I'm hoping that this stuff clears up and I can get back out and have a really solid workout week. I'm shooting for a 2-3 pound loss week! I am excited to get out of the 50's and see those 40's! 

Even thought my weight didn't really change this week , I am noticing more changes with clothes and stuff like that. Besides being sick , I feel great lol!  I've dropped a t-shirt size down to XL. I've dropped 6 inches off my waist and now some of my size 40 pants are getting loose! I can't wait till I can buy size 36 pants again. The last time I remember wearing that size was maybe my sophomore year in HIGH SCHOOL!

Food has been really good, but not GREAT. There are a few areas to tighten up, but for the most part getting back into my routine has been easy. I think that 2-3 pounds this next week is doable. 

Thanks to everyone for all your continued support as we get back into the swing of things and the daily routine. Next stop...the 40's! 

Also check this out... My mom shared this with me. Really cool stuff: "On Jan. 04,2011, one of my prayers for 2011, was that you would be 30 pounds lighter on Jan. 04, 2012, you so exceeded that.....praise the Lord for answered prayer. "

“You can complain that roses have thorns, or rejoice that thorns have roses.” ~Ziggy


  1. We are so proud of you Phil. This is a life changing decision not only on the outside but for your life long health. Way to go!

    1. Thanks so much!!

      I had to try and catch up with Roger...He inspired me at the wedding!
