Welcome to weigh-in Wednesday Week TWELVE. I have officially completed THREE full months of this lifestyle change and I feel great!
12 Weeks Completed
84 Days Down
Starting Weight -- 294
Week 11 Weight -- 269
Today's weight -- 2-6-9! So no change in pounds this week.
Total Weight Loss to date = 25 pounds !!!
Ahhh. I was talking to my Mom and Jaimie today and we all couldn't believe it's been 12 whole weeks since I started this incredible journey. At first, when I saw the number this week I was kind of let down because there was a ZERO pound change. However, I looked at the total number so far and I'm still averaging a little over my goal which is 2 pounds per week.
Then I did myself a favor and looked at the most telling before and after pic comparison yet. I found a picture in my Mom's photo album from our Europe trip this summer, and I beheld this gem of a picture. A rare before SIDE shot. Oh boy. That ain't no basketball baby.
You can really see the difference in the ole' bread basket here. I use this as motivation whenever I get discouraged. I finally decided to put it up as a commemoration of this first three months of lifestyle change. (Side note. Jaimie cracks me up in this pic lol) Enjoy ...
Before Pic -- From the Side
After Pic -- Side
And from the Front ...
To answer the question I've already been asked, "Do you think you're finally hitting the plateau?" No, I don't. Here's why. This last week was kind of a crazy week and I lost some of my structure. I didn't have any "Huge Cheats" but I definitely could have used more self-control, portion control, and overall better preparation. Good thing I was able to keep up with my exercise. I attribute the lack of loss this week to simply me, being me. Not to worry though, I had an exceptionally good workout tonight, and I expect to see a nice big loss by next Wednesday's Week 13 weigh-in. Carry on , carry on. One set back, does not a crisis make.
I've had lots more encouragement this week from many of you out there. I got to see one of my best friends Adam in Orlando last weekend. He hadn't seen me in person since I've started this , and he was "genuinely shocked." Nice.
Things to work on this week:
1) Step up intensity in my running workouts ( I HATE running, but I'm learning to enjoy it more)
2) Tighter portion control
3) Find a new "healthy restaurant." I have a few that I really like, and I want to find another around here. Help me out people... \
4) More BLOG posts.
Overall, still many victories this week , and I'm getting new clothes out of my old clothes all the time. It's fun getting some of that stuff back.
Thanks all. Support from family, friends, and of course God, have made this possible for me so far. I can't even believe I've dropped 25 pounds. What a huge step. I'm excited to see what this next month has to offer.
I put this quote up on my Facebook the other day, and I love it.
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." ~ Will Rogers